Sunday 15 November 2009

I am not who I want to be, I probably will not ever be

Okay so. We have one massive Edinburgh street fight that I watched from my bedroom window with Caroline. One impromptu decision to spend my Saturday rearranging my bedroom furniture (with lovely results). One mysterious, sticky white stain on my sports jacket. A whole bunch of new music from the likes of Little Joy and Fruit Bats and Clem Snide. One pint of cookie dough chip. One Washington Irving story, one Tennyson poem, one Dickens novel. One Wii that's come to live with us, and a million games of Mario Kart. One book of naked portraits. One trip to the store in my pajamas to buy cheese. One cheddar/apple omelet. Two well-done burgers with sauteed onions and avocado. One admitted to see the Fantastic Mr. Fox. One candle-lit birthday party; many balloons, one big bowl of punch, two White Russians, and a poetic ode a la Lucy, standing on a kitchen chair. One failed radio show. One "chore chart" hanging in the kitchen. One essay on Gulliver's Travels sitting in the Lit office with the default -20% waiting for those who hand in their work four days late. Two lectures from Jonathan Wild. Two seasons of 30 Rock. One independently-owned video rental place down the block. One ticket home for December. One ticket back for January. One family vacation to Key West. Two mice in the kitchen that scurry back into their hole when I come in silently in the middle of the night.

When you weigh out the pros and cons, I'd say I'm somewhere in the middle.

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