Sunday, 24 October 2010

Beers for years

After two weeks of acting like a dick and a string of embarrassing conversations and monumental hangovers, I propose two weeks sober, at least, followed by an entire lifetime of Puritanical Moderation. Shit's getting out of hand. Bleghhhhhh

Things we could talk about now:
-How every electronic device I bring into this apartment seems to magically break, inexplicably, from somewhere deep inside itself, which cannot be helped (lamps, televisions, electric mixers, etc.)
-How Laura Mulvey's essay, "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema," applies to me and my viewing of the season finale of Mad Men
-The trials of domesticating another living thing, and attempting to maintain an affectionate mastership, and taking it all way too seriously
-How to fail at making a birthday cake
-How to waste an entire day failing at making a birthday cake
-Ways to avoid checking last night's awkward texts (outbox)
-The Facebook Movie, reasons I was hyping it so hard, how I spent the majority of my time in the theatre wishing I was watching The Squid and the Whale instead, those dreamy Winklevoss twins, or better yet, that ridiculous video of Mark Zuckerberg taking off his hoodie that is honestly the most lumberingly uncomfortable thing I have ever watched on the internet, and how it's affected the progress of my campaign for matrimony (on hold until further notice)


Anonymous said...

you are too hard on the world.

Paige said...
