Sunday, 17 October 2010

We had some conflicts with Prince Erudite drawn out on spreadsheets

The other day I showed up slightly early for a class and ended up chatting with my professor for a bit. He asked me how I was finding third year, and I told him I was pretty stressed out. That there only seemed to be time for half of the things I'd like to be doing right now--the monotonous/stressful/awful half-- and that I'm rarely finding the time to consider doing anything other than sit in my apartment, plowing through reading. I told him I'd become very solitary, without even meaning to or noticing it. And he assured me that was okay, and that he could pretty much sum up his entire life with the notion of solitude. He's a total hessian. Has written mad books on everything he's teaching us, which he subtly adds to the secondary reading lists but never mentions. But, why would you want to spend your life all by yourself just thinking about fucking Renaissance rhetoric? What does a life like that imply? Sometimes I lie awake at night absolutely plagued by a vacuous uncertainty that seems to suck all my courage out through somewhere below my navel. It dissipates by morning, but usually creeps back by dusk, as if each passing day were it's own little microcosmic existence inching its way closer to infinite termination with every minute. Ohmygoooooood I don't even LIKE existentialist literature somebody shut my brain off. Have no idea what's going on! Also when did men and women exchange mentalities seriously can't we just go back to the fifties I just want to be objectified and told what to do what is this why does everyone have so many emotions by the way how stoked are you for the Facebook movie it's getting good reviews like when that guy at the Times called it the "best movie about business ever even better than Wall Street even better than Up In the Air" or whatever and I'm probably gonna agree with him because I really never thought Office Space was that funny and the trailer is all super well edited and it has the kid from The Squid and the Whale in it but I mean I bet it's gonna have a lot less prepubescent masturbation than that movie which is good because that means I can prob watch it with my parents whateverrrr duuuuuude just keep drinkin black coffee and listening to Deerhunter and soon it will be Christmas.

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