Tuesday 28 April 2009

"Particularly vapid and trite"

Okay, quick roundup of events and details. Watched The 400 Blows last night and ate almost an entire large cheesy pizza all by myself, still don't have a job, still don't have the new DOOM album, thinking about nannying some Easton brats for the summer, have an overwhelming amount of studying to get done over the next week, there's no point in washing your car this time of year, still haven't even located the remainder of my boxes of possessions that have yet to be unpacked and moved into this big new house, fuck the woman at the bookstore down the street, I'm missing Philip Roth's talk at The New School tonight, slept uninterruptedly until noon today, out of pot, took an hour long shower yesterday, really want to drive to California with JG over the summer, really want to film it, Ben's moving to Atlanta today, and I'm watching Lawrence of Arabia in my pajamas.

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