Can't really type. Burned my hand, steaming some milk at the bakery. Endowed with a bottle of some dangerously fun painkillers. Off work for a couple days. My job is becoming more and more surreal. Slowly trashing the empty house. Watching lots of Jacques Tati and Woody Allen. Reading.. uh.. Virginia Woolf. Yeah. Booking my flight to Singapore in a couple weeks. Both of my dogs are snoring in my bed. That is all.

Allow me, now that typing is a task slightly less cumbersome, to extend my props to Turner Classic Movies. Apparently every Sunday night is "Silent Sunday," on which they only play, you guessed it, silent films. Which is great! As I mentioned earlier, last night they played two or three Jacques Tati films, including Mr. Hulot's Holiday, and tonight, funnily enough, is Meryl Streep night, which after the day I've had and the amount of medication I've consumed, feels strangely perfect. Sophie's Choice is on just now and I'm pretty stoked to be watching Kevin Kline, but sort of wish I was watching A Fish Called Wanda instead. So thanks, TCM, for placating me. I really like the way you arrange nights by theme, and am usually on board in terms of considering most of your choices to be good, interesting ones. You're definitely the realest thing out there, as far as movie channels go.
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