The best weekends are the ones that end on Wednesday and start on Friday. Spent this past one in Jersey. Some typical happenings: milkshakes and hangman and gossip with Gareth, pizza with the Greco family, Johnny Walker Blue Label in Joey's ballroom, in Joey's Rolls, harmonized bird calls in the middle of the night, "Are we in the mood for, like, serious Biggie, or fun Biggie?", savory breakfast crepes, I spilled coffee on myself one morning at some bagel place in Millburn and had to spend the rest of the day with a big coffee stain on my stomach, a lot of driving around with JR listening to his expansive collection of sometimes questionable rap, a lot of being happy just to be around my best friend again, falling asleep in my raincoat on JG's side of the bed, the sounds of professionally-narrated flash fiction swimming through my tired ears, silly mornings of lolling around in bed and testing out the whips and the strange combination of egg and cream cheese on one glorious bagel, boredom infestation at Chez Greco, ballin' sandwiches with cole slaw on the side, sad scary movies starring Philip Seymour Hoffs, sad retarded movies starring yellow Labs named Marley, hunting down ice cream, hunting down dime bags, broing down with an Entourage marathon, one-lined mall adventures ("That's not an oxford," "I'm not wearing a bra, Carol"), Jared bought a "Golf Jacket," Mario Kart, the perfect sushi dinner, more Mario Kart, The Wackness (stoned), blueberry pancakes and French toast and early morning joints with HBM3, early afternoon joints and arboretum-dwelling with HBM3 & RF, one hilarious Whole Foods excursion, some big fucking salads, trampoline bouncing, Beverly Hills 90210, an ambitious attempt to make it to see the new Jarmusch movie (didn't happen), skipping right to our plan B, wine, and s'mores, at Becky's, a trip to the dugout in the Morristown Beard baseball field that I don't remember too well, along with a hazy trip back to Becky's accompanied by the soothing melodies of--ahem--"screw music." And some other stuff, that I can't really remember right now.
I have to get a job.
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