I finally made it to Barry Lyndon today. T'was long. But the more I piece together the plot, in my head, the grander and more significant I find the entire story. And the film, is beautiful. We should talk about it sometime. Now is not the time nor place. But, I have never seen an actress as doll-like as Lady Lyndon; if I had a dime for every still I wish I could replicate in painting form.. well, I'd be able to pay my phone bill instead of skipping the country. Although, pft, Ryan O'Neal. Whose idea was that? On my walk home through the meadows, I saw a guy walking his ltd. edish mini-leopard cats--two of them, they must have been expensive --on leashes. They had some serious issues with the leash thing, most of them, I presume, stemming from the fact that they weren't dogs. You should have seen the guy trying to get them to cross the street. I just stopped and stared.
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